"Green" doesn't mean sustainable
While being “green” is the current thing to do, we know that soon the fad will wear off and what will be left is the new ordinary way of life. Being green won’t be cool anymore, it will just be the way things are.
Instead, we set our sights much higher and strive to be truly sustainable. Sustainability means to us the ability to meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Ideally this is true with one exception, we want to help future generations meet their needs. To do this, we scrutinize every process, device and chemical we use. We look for both intended and unintended consequences. We refine processes to reveal hidden efficiencies and simplifications. Basically, once we get the ball rolling we want it to keep rolling of its own volition.
We have partnered with numerous manufacturers to develop better, safer, cheaper and more efficient technologies. Technology changes every day and so do we. Rapid adaptation is critical to long term survival and success. You can’t really lead from the back of the line.
Supplies, Equipment, and Practice
Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. If we only existed to make a profit, what would be the point? We want to be able to look back 75 years from now and be proud of our contributions to society, the environment and the economy.
We measure our success by the triple bottom line. The triple bottom line captures an expanded spectrum of values and criteria for measuring organizational (and societal) success: economic, ecological and social, or often referred to as people, planet, profit.