Work Scopes
There’s an old proverb that says “fail to plan, plan to fail”. One of the most important parts of our service delivery is performed before the service ever begins. Capturing our client’s vision and designing a process that will consistently and sustainably deliver that vision is the first step in any relationship we develop. We call this Discovery.
We see ourselves as an integrated component of a facility’s operations. A successful and seamless merger requires foresight and a solid plan.
We use the initial stages of a client relationship to develop a broad view of our clients’ positions and challenge the very notion of outsourcing facility maintenance. If a client has already begun a Request for Proposal or Request for Information process, we assess whether the request itself will ultimately yield the desired results. We all know the sayings, “you get what you ask for” or “ask and you shall receive”. How does one know assuredly that the questions they are asking are the right questions? We call this planning stage the development of the Marty Map.
A Marty Map may include planning and oversight services such as:
•Work and service scope design
•RFP/RFI design and preparation
•Key Performance Indicators outline design
•Supply chain assessment
•Contracts assessment and design
•Vendor oversight planning
•Turn-key outsource solutions
•Sustainability assessment
We deploy our many years of experience and our knowledge of science, technology and health to make clear how all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together; like the picture on the front of the puzzle box.