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Quality Control:

Accountability is Built-In

Quality control is perpetual and is where we really put to work our prepare, resolve, sustain philosophy. The cycle is continuous. In many ways, we are simply repeating our entire process over and over, beginning with discovery.


Preparation requires knowledgeable and capable staff. Our training is of the most advanced in the industry. We partner with our equipment and chemical manufacturers such as SC Johnson and Company, Clarke Manufacturing, Active Ion and many others who provide advanced on-site training. We are among the first to know when advancements in technology are made. MartyK safety training is a required course and is a continuing education program.

•Resources such as software and communication mechanisms are an integral part of our operations. Some of these include:

•Web-based client management software, accessible by computer, iPhone and iPad

•Service ticketing and case tracking

•Company issued cell phones

•Digital web-based time clock for labor tracking

•Daily management conference calls with supervisors

•24 hour emergency hotline

•24 hour communication with onsite staff

•video and photographs

•Statistical data compilation and reporting


Other strategies and resources include:


•Service vehicle outfitting and consolidation

•Route planning


•Distribution consolidation

•HR processes

•Six Sigma


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